Dr. Fiore Delivers Keynote Speech at the University of Oxford (9/23)
Posted in: CHSS News, Inserra, Spanish-Italian News and Events

On September 23, 2016 Dr. Teresa Fiore gave a keynote speech at the University of Oxford, UK, on the occasion of the “Cultures on the Move: Italy and the USA” conference, which explored how language, literature and cinema have traveled between the two countries and have created layered forms of mutual influence.
Entitled "“New Italians on the Move: The Cultural Impact of the Contemporary U.S.-Bound Exodus,” the keynote speech offered a survey of the literature and art produced by and about new Italian immigrants. It aimed at showing how these new Italians on the move should not just be represented as a loss for the country, but also as an engine for the circulation of the concept of "Italy” in the sense of values and lifestyles, a phenomenon that is producing an increasing “Italianization” of American culture. In linking past and contemporary immigration from Italy through the analysis of Michele Petruzziello’s photography series (Good Bye My Love), the speech functioned as a preliminary theorization of the concept of “Made in Italy” in the diaspora and the diaspora as “Made in Italy” beyond its more common figuration as artistic creations and objects of consumption.
To view the conference program, click here.