exterior of Dickson Hall

News and Announcements

Category: World Languages and Cultures

photo taken in Museum Exhibit, Musee Clemenceau in Paris

Montclair Student Translates Museum Exhibit in Paris

Exhibit focuses on former Prime Minister Georges Clemenceau’s connection to sports, just in time for the Olympics!

photos of two German students side by side. Lower third is Delta Phil Alpha, National Honor Society for College Students of German

Two of Seven German National Honor Society Winners Hail from Montclair

Collage of photos regarding Wilhelm Grosz

Students of German Transcribe and Translate Estate of Prominent Austrian Composer Wilhelm Grosz

NEH Contested Spaces black and white statues

Dr. Fiore Selected for NEH Summer Workshop on Creative/Contested Spaces

students and professor looking at computer

Montclair Faculty Earn Inaugural MLA Pathways Step Grant

Team of humanities faculty earns prestigious award to define career pathways in modern languages

two women standing and smiling in front of building signage

Dr. Teresa Fiore’s Invited Talk at the Universidad de Los Andes in Bogotà

a group stands and poses for photo in a classroom

Five Humanities Students Present at Undergraduate Conference in Pennsylvania

Photo of Students and Professors studying in Italy

Inaugural CHSS and CEEL Cohort Attends Prestigious Students-Professors Study Group in Reggio Emilia, Italy

Full conference Center from back of room looking at stage with three projection screens and speaker standing at podium

Montclair State University Hosts Innovative Immersion French Language Event for Local High School Students

photo of professor Elizabeth Emery smiling in her office

Professor Receives Grant from National Endowment for the Humanities

Elizabeth Emery will spend the next year working on a book and open-access digital materials highlighting achievements of East Asian art collector and dealer Florine Langweil

a graphic flyer with event details included in text copy

China Through the Looking Glass: Digital Cultures and AI Governance

Teresa Fiore speaking at a podium at Rutgers University

Dr. Teresa Fiore Keynote Speaker at Rutgers University’s Italian Graduate Student Conference (Nov. 18, 2023)