Hand writing mathematical formulas on a blackboard.
News and Announcements

Preparing the Effective Elementary Mathematics Teacher

Erin Krupa (PI), Steven Greenstein (Co-PI), Jennifer Robinson (Co-PI), and Diana Aria (Co-PI) received a grant to establish the National Science Foundation Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship Program, the award provides $1,449,992 and is effective from 4/1/2017 – 3/31/2022

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grant group photo
group working on the Preparing the Effective Elementary Mathematics Teacher grant

The strength of Montclair State University’s reputation regarding teacher preparation is based on our extensive experience in recruiting, preparing, and supporting pre-service teachers to work effectively in a diversity of school settings. The Noyce @ Montclair: Preparing the Effective Elementary Mathematics Teacher (PE2MT) Scholarship Program continues this line of work by producing 30 new elementary mathematics teachers who are well prepared to teach in high-need schools in New Jersey. These teachers will have graduated from a uniquely enhanced degree program that engages them in a range of pedagogically, psychologically, and epistemologically transforming professional development experiences in addition to their mathematics and education coursework requirements.

The PE2MT project provides a creative contribution to the field by advancing discovery and understanding through research that aims to better understand the preparation of pre-service teachers for teaching mathematics at the elementary level where the foundations of mathematical knowledge are constructed. Specifically, this project provides new opportunities to investigate how teachers’ cultural, community, and pedagogical content knowledge develops as they learn to teach mathematics for the diversity of elementary classrooms and to understand the potential contributions the teaching of the advanced mathematical knowledge acquired in a baccalaureate degree in mathematics has on elementary mathematics teaching.

Learn more about the grant