Hand writing mathematical formulas on a blackboard.
News and Announcements

Students Present at NJECC 34th Annual Statewide Educational Technology Conference

Erell Germia and Toni York delivered the workshop, “Teaching Debugging on Scratch.”

Posted in: Faculty and Student Research, Mathematics Education PhD

students presenting at NJECC conference
Erell Germia (left) and Toni York (right) presenting at the NJECC 34th Annual Statewide Educational Technology Conference.

Doctoral students Erell Germia and Toni York presented at the NJECC 34th Annual Statewide Educational Technology Conference that took place at Montclair State University in January 2020. The New Jersey Educational Cooperative Computing (NJECC) is a non-profit organization whose mission is to promote and support the integration of technology in K-12 education.

The workshop focused on the process of debugging (fixing bugs) in Scratch programming. Debugging is often considered one of the most complex parts of computer programming to teach and learn and is included as one of the seven practices stated in the K-12 Computer Science framework.

In their workshop, Erell and Toni introduced participants to debugging through activities they developed as part of their research assistantships for the project “Assimilating Mathematical and Computational Thinking into Earth and Environmental Science,” (ACMES), which is funded by the National Science Foundation. The specific activities from ACMES integrate earth and environmental science, mathematical, and computational thinking.