Doctoral students present at University research symposium
Several Mathematics Education doctoral students presented at the 2024 Montclair State University Student Research Symposium
Posted in: Mathematics Education PhD, Presentations, Students and Alumni

PhD candidate SuSan Lim presented a poster on Transformative Learning through International Research Experiences. The study describes changes to students’ understandings about science and research during their summer research experience in Japan.
Doctoral students Denis Cook and Amy Daniel presented a poster related to their work as research assistants on a grant-funded professional development project; their poster was entitled Working Toward a Spectrum of Collegiality to Describe Mathematics Teacher Learning in a Community of Practice.
Geena Taite and Karmen Yu, two recent PhD graduates, both presented posters about their dissertation work. Geena’s poster was entitled Evolving Teacher Pedagogy Through Implementation of Mathematical Modeling and Participation in Responsively Designed Professional Development; Karmen’s poster was entitled: Students Agentive Participation in the Parallel Spaces of Calculus I Coursework and Peer-led, Complementary Instruction: The Case of Boris.
We are so proud of these doctoral students’ accomplishments!
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