University receives portion of $10 million in funding for Barnegat Bay improvements
The NJDEP designated $300,000 to the University for restoration and enhancement of submerged aquatic vegetation in the bay.
Posted in: CSAM Research, Earth & Environmental Studies, Environmental Science & Management PhD, Marine Biology

The Department of Environmental Protection has awarded $10 million in grants for local water-quality improvement projects in the Barnegat Bay watershed, an important ecological and economic resource for the state, Commissioner Catherine R. McCabe announced today.
Barnegat Bay watershed – The projects to be implemented by nonprofit groups, local governments, and state colleges and universities target ways to reduce impacts from stormwater runoff, also known as nonpoint source pollution. Although highly developed, the 660-square-mile watershed is rich in wildlife habitats that help drive the region’s economy.
Read the full Press Release on the NJDEP website.
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