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New Faculty Joining CSAM

Join us in welcoming our newest faculty to the College!

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Dr. Galster teaching a class

Nathanael Hirscher

Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
B.S. University of Virginia
Ph.D. California Institute of Technology

Dr. Hirscher earned his Ph.D. from the California Institute of Technology in July 2019 and joins the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry after a post-doctoral appointment at the University of Pennsylvania. Dr. Hirscher is an expert in inorganic and organometallic chemistry, with research interests related to the efficient use of natural resources. His graduate and postdoctoral research has focused on the design and synthesis of catalysts for commodity chemical production. These studies have been relevant to plastics manufacturing, greenhouse gas remediation, and natural gas utilization. Dr. Hirscher’s research in organometallic synthesis at Montclair State seeks to produce new forms of matter comprised of metals and organic chemicals.

Rui Li

Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science
B.S. Anhui Agricultural University
Ph.D. University of Science and Technology of China

Dr. Li received her Ph.D. degree from the University of Science and Technology of China in June 2016. Her research focuses on human-computer interaction including knowledge-driven speech visualization, emotional intelligent systems, autonomous systems, games and virtual environments. Before joining the Department of Computer Science, Dr. Li was a research associate at the Clemson University International Center for Automotive Research (CU-ICAR) where she proposed and developed interactive technologies for autonomous vehicles. Her research on human-computer interaction for autonomous systems has been awarded ASME DSCC Robotics TC Best Paper. Dr. Li is passionate about education in human-computer interaction and developed a series of new courses for the new Game Development Certificate.

Shafika Showkat Moni

Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science
B.Sc. Rajshahi University of Engineering and
Technology, Rajshahi, Bangladesh
M.S. University of Kentucky
Ph.D. University of Kentucky

Dr. Moni received her M.S. and Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from the University of Kentucky, Lexington, USA in 2020 and 2022 respectively. Before starting her Ph.D., she worked as a faculty member at Rajshahi University of Engineering and Technology, one of the premier engineering universities in Bangladesh. Currently, she serves as a Fellowship Co-Chair for IEEE ComSoc Networking Networking Women (N2Women) Organization. Her research interests include security and privacy issues of the Internet of Things (IoT) and Internet of Vehicles (IoV), Cloud Computing, Edge Computing, and Machine Learning. She has published over 15 scientific articles and received several scholarships and accolades for her academic excellence and leadership, including the 2022 College of Engineering Award for Outstanding Ph.D. Student.

Christos Suriano

Assistant Professor, Department of Biology
B.S. Arizona State University
Ph.D. Wesleyan University

Dr. Suriano joins the Department of Biology after receiving his Ph.D. from Wesleyan University (Middletown CT) in April 2018 and a Postdoctoral Fellowship at Princeton University (Princeton, NJ). As an NJ Association for Clinical and Translational Science Fellow at the Princeton Neuroscience Institute, Dr. Suriano studied how the host immune response to neurotropic viruses can cause damage to the brain and disrupt circuit function. Prior to his postdoctoral research, his graduate work focused on defining a well-conserved genetic toolkit for hindbrain development across vertebrates. In his new lab, Dr. Suriano will focus on the interplay of the nervous system and immune system during viral infections and use this knowledge to improve the safety and efficacy of virally-mediated human gene therapies.