Join the PhD program and research developed coastline dynamics
Dr. Jorge Lorenzo-Trueba is seeking a student to join the Environmental Science and Management PhD program and join his research group
Posted in: Earth & Environmental Studies, Environmental Science & Management PhD, Opportunities

Applications are being accepted to fill a PhD position studying developed coastline dynamics at the Megalopolitan Coastal Transformation Hub (MACH), research that is funded by the NSF under the Coastlines and People, CoPe, Program. CoPe is focused on scientific research into complex coastal systems and the interplay with coastal hazards is vital for predicting, responding to, and mitigating threats in these regions. Understanding the risks associated with coastal hazards requires a holistic Earth Systems approach that integrates improved understanding of and, where possible, predictions about natural, social, and technological processes with efforts to increase the resilience of coastal systems.
The project will involve the development of numerical models for the evolution of coastal environments in the NY-NJ region, and field data collection using UAS technology. To apply informally, send a letter of interest and curriculum vitae to Dr. Trueba. Detailed program information and application procedure can be obtained from the PhD program website.
Learn more about the Environmental Science and Management PhD program.