Hand writing mathematical formulas on a blackboard.
News and Announcements

Teaching for Social Justice through Critical Mathematical Inquiry

Associate Professor Steven Greenstein and Adjunct Professor / Doctoral program graduate Mark Russo recently co-edited a special issue of the Occasional Paper Series

Posted in: Publications

student in classroom playing with Legos

The Occasional Paper Series is a component of the Bank Street College of Education. The special issue, Critical Mathematical Inquiry, features a collection of papers that provide teachers of mathematics with images of Teaching for Social Justice through Mathematics Education. Steven and Mark were recently informed that these three articles in their special issue are the three most downloaded articles in the twenty-year history of the Occasional Papers.

1. Cathery Yeh & Brande Otis: Mathematics for Whom: Mathematics for Whom: Reframing and Humanizing Mathematics

2. Laurie Rubel and Andrea McCloskey: The “Soft Bigotry of Low Expectations” and Its Role in Maintaining White Supremacy through Mathematics Education

3. Steven Greenstein and Mark Russo: Teaching for Social Justice through Critical Mathematical Inquiry

Congratulations Steven and Mark!