Hand writing mathematical formulas on a blackboard.

News and Announcements

Category: Mathematics Education PhD

AMTNJ The NJ Math Teacher publication, volume 81 issue 2

Doctoral Students Publish in AMTNJ Special Issue

PME-NA 2024 conference graphic

Strong Montclair Math Ed doctoral student presence at PME-NA conference

Dr. DiNapoli with doctoral candidates Helene Leonard and Denis Cook after their presentation at the NCSM Annual Conference

Doctoral Students Present at National Conference

Helene Leonard and Denis Cook presented at the conference held in Chicago, IL

Amanda Provost beginning her presentation at the ICME conference

Doctoral Candidate Amanda Provost presented at 15th ICME

The International Congress on Mathematical Instruction Conference was held in Sydney, Australia

MSU math department participants at NJAMTE conference

Strong Montclair representation at the NJAMTE Conference

water cycle program screenshots

Doctoral Candidate and Mentor Present at International Society of the Learning Sciences Conference

Doctoral student Amanda Provost along with her supervisor Dr. Panorkou presented at the Conference in Buffalo, NY

Journal of Research in Science, Mathematics and Technology Education

Articles in Journal of Research in Science, Mathematics and Technology Education!

Two MSU author teams recently published articles in the Journal of Research in Science, Mathematics and Technology Education

Geena Taite talking with guests during the poster session at the MSU 2024 Student Research Symposium

Doctoral students present at University research symposium

Several Mathematics Education doctoral students presented at the 2024 Montclair State University Student Research Symposium

Greenstein and Panorkou leading math institute

CSAM Faculty Host K-12 Teachers to Learn a Novel Approach to Teaching Mathematics

The purpose of the Institute was to promote an innovative instructional routine Drs. Panorkou and Greenstein call Balancing Acts

Modeling the impact of the Chernobyl Disaster title slide

New Mathematics Teacher: Learning and Teaching PK-12 article!

students and Dr. Panorkou after their presentation at the annual AERA conference

Doctoral Students Present at American Educational Research Association Conference

Henry Vas Nunes and Amanda Provost presented with their supervisor Dr. Nicole Panorkou

Geena Taite speaking at the Pi Mu Epsilon society event

Doctoral candidate speaks at Ramapo College’s mathematics honor society induction ceremony