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Research team publishes article on the mathematics of a harp

Posted in: Publications, Students and Alumni

modeled harp vs classical harp
harp produced by model vs a classical harp

Montclair State University mathematics students Cristina Carr and Vlad Nita, along with Mathematics Department faculty member Dr. Bogdan Nita and collaborators Daniel Chioffi, Maya Glenn, and Stefan Nita, recently published an article in the Journal of Humanistic Mathematics. In their article, entitled The Mathematics of the Harp: Modeling the Classical Instrument and Designing Futuristic Ones, the research team shares how they analyzed and modeled the neck of the classical harp based on the length, tension, and density of the strings. Additionally, they explain how they used the results to design new and innovative harp shapes by adjusting the parameters of the model. Congratulations everyone for this impressive publication!