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News and Announcements

2023 Dean’s Student Recognition Awards

Posted in: Student News

a large group of students stand together at CHSS Dean's Student Recognition Awards ceremony

The College of Humanities and Social Sciences was pleased to celebrate our inaugural Dean’s Student Recognition Awards to celebrate the achievements of graduating students at a special reception on May 8. The students, nominated by their department chairs and faculty,  were recognized for their perseverance, leadership, community involvement, or academic achievements.

Congratulations to this year’s awardees!

Armeen Hussain

CHSS Student Success Center
Al Fryer

Classics and General Humanities
Katharine Fitch
Chris Rosati

Alfredo Alvarez
Victoria Bustamante
Kabria Wimbush

Christelle Blemur
Jeremy Hopkins

Justice Studies
Jack Donohoe

Emily Brennan
Patrick Lee

Political Science and Law 
Warren Rigby
Layla Odeh
Iga Kozikowski

Heather Hernandez
Luke Kozas
Rebeca Costa do Nascimento
Catrina Notari

Meryem Teke

Social Work and Child Advocacy 
Maria Escoda
Leah Boyle
Tariro Munyereyi

Spanish and Latino Studies 
Harleigh Macbeth
Claudia Freire

World Languages & Cultures 
Ray Kleinschmidt
Gabriela Rincon

Writing Studies
Shivani Parekh