Dean’s Student Recognition Awards
Posted in: Homepage News and Events, Student News

The College of Humanities and Social Sciences was pleased to celebrate our Dean’s Student Recognition Awards to celebrate the achievements of graduating students at a special reception on May 6. The students, nominated by their department chairs and faculty, were recognized for their perseverance, leadership, community involvement, or academic achievements.
Congratulations to this year’s awardees!
Yasmin AL-Basheer
Classics and General Humanities
Nicholas D’Alessandro
Lily Greenberg
Leen Khashashina
Madelyn Santorelli
Gender, Sexuality and Women’s Studies
Tyler Wild
Danielle Gibbs
Justice Studies
Madelyn Santorelli
Ingrid Veloso
Francisco Villa
Alex Lehotsky
Political Science and Law
Michael Dye
Kassandra E. Llanos Orellana
Sadaf Khawar
Michelle Lopez
Eftihia Mazis
Marya Nemeh
Farrah Fornarotto
Social Work and Child Advocacy
Johana L. Cruz
Stephanie C. Ramos
Alexandra Saharig
Jillian Krutyansky
Sarah Reneè Chandler
Naomi Nguyễn
Spanish and Latino Studies
Izabella Escurra
Carolina Zaldivar Sanchez
Student Success Center
Christina N. Vivo
World Languages & Cultures
Ath-Yah Brathwaite
Inna Paola Urrego
Writing Studies
Talal Awad