exterior of Dickson Hall

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operations map of landings in sicily

Dr. Fiore’s Research Work in Sicily (Summer 2024)

photo of Donna Jackson Robertson

Employee Spotlight: Donna Jackson Robertson

Director of Career Development

Honorable Makalé Camara and Dr. Arnaud Kurze

Dr. Arnaud Kurze Receives $25,000 State Department Grant for Capacity Building Program in Guinea

photo of students & staff on archaeology dig at Montclair History Center

Archaeology in Our Own Backyard

group photo of attendees at heterogeneous ireland symposium May 2024

Heterogeneous Ireland

A Symposium held on campus in May 2024

Montclair Pre-Law Program Delivers an Impactful LSAT Prep Experience

student with laptop sitting outside

University Launches Four New Online Degree Programs

The fully online programs focus on in-demand career paths including psychology, accounting, business administration and social work

group photo of Prospect Park Mayor and staff, including intern Mia Fayez

Internship Spotlight: Mia Fayez, Prospect Park Mayor’s Office

photo of Khizra Qadir sitting at a desk

Internship Spotlight: Khizra Qadir, Legal Aid Society

photo of Diya Vaid

Internship Spotlight: Diya Vaid, Care Counseling Center

Photo of Daniela Peterka

New Director Announced for the Global Center on Human Trafficking

photo taken in Museum Exhibit, Musee Clemenceau in Paris

Montclair Student Translates Museum Exhibit in Paris

Exhibit focuses on former Prime Minister Georges Clemenceau’s connection to sports, just in time for the Olympics!