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Trees of Montclair

Faculty and students piloted a project seeking to map the tress along the streets of Montclair.

Posted in: Biology, Environmental Science & Management PhD, PSEG ISS

Arianna, Norhan, and Doriann finding the diameter of a tree

This summer, Arianna Qira, Norhan Omran, and Doriann DelRosario worked with Dr. Dirk Vanderklein, Biology professor, and Nick D’Ambrosio, Environmental Management PhD student, on a pilot project to map the trees along the streets of Montclair. The pilot project was funded by the Institute for Sustainability Studies at Montclair State University. The goal of the project was to identify the street trees along a few of roads in Montclair in preparation for a larger project to be funded by the State of New Jersey.

For each tree the species was identified and the following measurements were taken:

  • the GPS location
  • the diameter
  • the height
  • the overall health of the tree

This information was entered into a GIS database and will be made available to the township for use by the town arborists to locate potential problem trees, but also for use by the residents to find out what the trees are that are growing on their streets.

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