Constructed in 1999, Science Hall is home to teaching and research facilities of the Department of Biology. Faculty and students in Biology study living organisms across wide scales of organization, from the tiniest biomolecules to vast ecosystems. Students have access to state-of-the-art Next Generation DNA sequencing technology, advanced microscopes, marine biology facilities, and many other specialized teaching and research equipment.
First Floor
Click on an image below to enlarge photo.
- Entrance of Science Hall
- Courtyard between Richardson and Science Halls
- frog mural in the science hall atrium
- SCIE 107, Biology Department Office
- SCIE 126
- SCIE 126 General Biology Lab
Second Floor
Click on an image below to enlarge photo.
- SCIE 214D, Marine Biology Research Lab Faculty and students conduct experiments and ecological studies of marine organisms and ecosystems in the field and then bring specimens to the Marine Biology Laboratory for processing and analysis. Projects include research on the effects of human impact – and restoration of – coastal ecosystems, as well as tracking and understanding invasive jellyfish species that have begun to populate the New Jersey Shore in recent years.
- Holding tanks in Marine Biology Research Lab
- microscope in the Marine Biology Research Lab
- SCIE 214D, Marine Biology Research Lab
- SCIE 215 Anatomy Laboratory. Students learn introductory through advanced anatomy and physiology in this laboratory classroom setting. In learning the anatomy and physiology of humans and other organisms, students prepare for careers in nursing, athletic training, medicine, and other allied health fields.
- SCIE 215 equipment
- SCIE 215
- SCIE 215 workstations
- SCIE 215 models
- SCIE 216 Cell and Biology Lab
Third Floor
Click on an image below to enlarge photo.
- SCIE 303 tank
- SCIE 303 holding tanks
- SCIE 303 Dr. Feehan’s Lab. Professor Colette Feehan and her students study how ecosystem perturbations driven by disease outbreaks and climate change alter the structure and functioning of coastal marine ecosystems.
- SCIE 310 Microbiology Lab
- SCIE 311 diagram
- SCIE 311 workstations
- SCIE 311 Genetics Laboratory. Students learn introductory through advanced genetics and the science of inheritance in this laboratory classroom setting. By understanding patterns of inheritance, students can peer far back into the evolutionary history of organisms, and also learn the tools for studying and addressing genetic factors involved in health and medicine.
- SCIE 316 Molecular Biology Laboratory. Students learn upper-level and advanced molecular biology in this laboratory classroom and research setting. Students often work one-on-one with faculty members to gain training and experience with cutting-edge technology such as Next Generation DNA sequencing. This prepares students for entry into the technical workforce or for continuing study in biotechnology research.