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Community of Practice (CoP): Belonging

Join the OFE’s Community of Practice (CoP) on Belonging to develop strategies for fostering belonging.

Posted in: Special Projects, Student Belonging

Research shows that a sense of belonging positively impacts students’ motivation, engagement, retention and overall well being. By promoting belonging, instructors can  ensure students feel respected and connected, and able to bring their authentic selves into the classroom. While this may sound appealing, how exactly do instructors foster belonging in their courses? 

We invite instructors of all ranks and disciplines to join OFE’s Community of Practice on Belonging to develop answer(s) to this question. CoPs bring together faculty who are interested in a particular topic and who wish to explore it further together, ultimately developing a shared set of resources, tools, and knowledge. This fall, the CoP on Belonging will focus on exploring strategies and developing an intervention. In Spring 2024, CoP members will implement their intervention(s) and share their ideas and experiences.

Register for our kickoff event on Friday, October 6. Interested but can’t make this session? Please complete this interest form.