Montclair State campus

News and Updates

Category: Research

Research and Writing Groups

Working on a research project? Would like the accountability of a group? Join us this fall for one or both of our online research and writing groups: Wed 10am–12pm and Thursday 9–11am.

Research and Writing Jumpstart

From Tue May 28–Fri, May 31, enjoy morning (10-noon) and/or afternoon (1-3) sessions dedicated to research and writing, available both in-person and via Zoom. Can’t make all 4 days or stay all day? You are still welcome!

News Media 301: Using Social Media to Showcase Your Expertise

On Thursday, Apr 18, join us online from 3:30-5pm for a conversation with Montclair’s Media Relations team to learn about using social media to showcase your expertise.

News Media 201: How to Write Opinion Pieces

On Thursday, Apr 11, join us online from 3:30-5pm for a conversation with Montclair’s Media Relations team to learn about writing effective opinion pieces for News Media.

News Media 101: Sharing Your Expertise with the Public

Join us on Zoom Thursday, March 21, 3:30-5pm to get simple, actionable tips for working with the news media.