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News Media 101: Sharing Your Expertise with the Public

Join us on Zoom Thursday, March 21, 3:30-5pm to get simple, actionable tips for working with the news media.

Posted in: News Media Series, OFE Partner Sessions, Research

Faculty members have a great deal of expertise on subjects that matter to the public, and reporters want to help share that knowledge with their readers, listeners, or viewers. Working with the news media is an exciting opportunity to help educate the public while building the visibility of your program and the University. This workshop will provide simple, actionable tips for working with the news media: beginning with an overview, the workshop will also include some hands-on work to enable faculty to begin to see the path to becoming a faculty expert. Topics include: understanding the media’s needs, delivering your message effectively in a news media interview, and partnering with the Office of University Communications & Marketing.
