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New Book by Dr. Douglas Larkin

Posted in: College News and Events

Photo of the book cover of Dr. Larkin's September 2019 book

Dr. Douglas Larkin, Associate Professor of Teaching and Learning, published a new book, Teaching Science in Diverse Classrooms: Real Science for Real Students with Taylor & Francis Limited. Dr. Larkin focuses his research on strengthening the structures that support equitable and effective secondary science education in a variety of contexts.

In regards to his publication, as a distinctive voice in science education writing, Douglas Larkin provides a fresh perspective for science teachers who work to make real science accessible to all K-12 students. Through compelling anecdotes and vignettes, this book draws deeply on research to present a vision of successful and inspiring science teaching that builds upon the prior knowledge, experiences, and interests of students. With empathy for the challenges faced by contemporary science teachers, Teaching Science in Diverse Classrooms encourages teachers to embrace the intellectual task of engaging their students in learning science, and offers an abundance of examples of what high-quality science teaching for all students looks like.

Divided into three sections, this book is a connected set of chapters around the central idea that the decisions made by good science teachers help light the way for their students along both familiar and unfamiliar pathways to understanding. The book addresses topics and issues that occur in the daily lives and career arcs of science teachers such as:

  • Aiming for culturally relevant science teaching
  • Eliciting and working with students’ ideas
  • Introducing discussion and debate
  • Reshaping school science with scientific practices
  • Viewing science teachers as science learners