Dr. Teresa Fiore’s Invited Talk at the Universidad de Los Andes in Bogotà
Posted in: Homepage News and Events, Inserra, World Languages and Cultures

Dr. Teresa Fiore, Inserra Endowed Chair in Italian and Italian American Studies, presented her research work at an invited talk at the Universidad de Los Andes in Bogotà, Colombia, on April 23, 2024. Focused on the introduction and the “Waters” section of her book titled Spazi Pre-occupati: Una rimappatura delle migrazioni transnazionali e delle eredità coloniali italiane, the talk emphasized contemporary migrant journeys through the Mediterranean as contemporary forms of transnational relocations containing stories of past emigration and colonialism.

The talk was included in the seminar “Transgressive Italian: An Expanded Language for the Co-existence of Differences,” taught by Dr. Valeria Busnelli, Assistant Professor of Italian in the Departamento de Lenguas y Cultura. It also embraced students from Dr. Alessandra Merlo’s class on Italian Cinema and the theory seminar taught by Visiting Professor, Dr. Chloe Rutter-Jensen.
Dr. Fiore remarked: “I have presented this book on multiple occasions in the U.S. and Italy, but sharing my research in Latin America, and with trans-languaging modality that embraced Italian and Spanish as part of the exchange with the audience, has been quite special to me, especially since it may open up new spaces for collaborative academic endeavors.”
Indeed, the visit was also an opportunity to consider future synergies among faculty for curriculum expansion with an eye toward the role of cinema in the Italian curriculum as well as emigration from Italy to Colombia and vice versa, with possible shared initiatives around the Memoria Presente digital archive.
See link to event and flyer
See book’s webpage