aerial photo of the Graduate School building

Advising Strategy Group

The former Advising Council has been redesigned as an Advising Strategy Group (ASG) to better meet the needs of the University’s advising model. The Advising Strategy Group is responsible for the prioritization, accountability, and communication in all areas of advising, and leads the development of overall advising strategy in conjunction with the Provost’s Office. The ASG is closely aligned with the work of the Title III-funded Advising 2025 initiative.

The Advising Strategy Group includes a dynamic and diverse group of advising administrators who direct the work and monitor the progress of advising-related subcommittees, as well as charge new or sunset existing committees as needed. The ASG reviews the charges to each committee to ensure that responsibilities are aligned with defined goals.The ASG also provides feedback on these committees’ deliverables and advocates where needed.

The Advising Strategy Group meets every four to six weeks and drafts working agendas to ensure discussion is productive, action-oriented, and at a level appropriate to the presence and counsel of the Associate Provost of Undergraduate Education.

The ASG is responsible for developing a methodology for ensuring that information is shared across campus more effectively with relation to advising matters. The ASG is also responsible for developing an advising values and mission statement, as well as a strategic advising plan, which includes a written activity calendar.

ASG Working Groups: