Dr. Michael Viega Tells Verywell Health How One Can Reduce Stress with Music
Posted in: Cali School of Music News, College News and Announcements

Dr. Michael Viega, Associate Professor in the Cali School of Music, is quoted in this Verywell Health article about using music to de-stress.
Dr. Viega noted the importance of the choice of music being personal. He stated, “I’m always wary of ‘Use this playlist for this experience.’ It’s more individualized than that. Music is not just a panacea. It’s not a curative.”
Dr. Viega has published and presented internationally on a wide range of topics such as Hip Hop and music therapy, arts-based research methodologies, digital technology and therapeutic songwriting, and music therapy and adolescent development. As a music therapy clinician, he has worked extensively with children and adolescents who have experienced childhood adversity and trauma, and is a Fellow in the Association of Music and Imagery. He serves on the editorial board for the Journal of Music Therapy, Music Therapy Perspectives, and Voices: A World Forum for Music Therapy. He is currently the President of the Mid-Atlantic Region of the American Music Therapy Association (MAR-AMTA).