students at career fair

CHSS Unpaid Internship Scholarship

Student Eligibility

  • Current degree-seeking undergraduate CHSS students who already have an internship secured for the summer
  • All CHSS majors
  • Minimum 2.0 overall GPA (no rounding)

Who is not eligible?

  • Programs, such as volunteer or service vacations, will not be considered.
  • Students taking courses at CHSS/MSU for one semester but seeking degrees from other universities are not eligible.
  • Previous winners of the Internship Grant are not eligible. However, students who are not awarded a grant may reapply.
  • Students interning at companies/organizations that do not follow MSU’s non-discrimination EEO policy or ethical agreement are not eligible.

Application Materials

Student Application
  • Employer Verification Letter

Application Deadline: May 1st, 2024 

Applications will not be reviewed until after the deadline. Questions will not be answered about specific applications. Incomplete or incorrect applications will be disqualified and will not be returned to you for revision.

Requirements of the internship position:

  • Unpaid, but you may receive a stipend, meals, subway pass, etc.
  • The offer must be secured prior to applying (an employer verification form is a required part of the application)
  • Must be a minimum of 120 hours
  • Completed during the summer months
  • You must have defined duties and a specific supervisor
  • Virtual internships are eligible

Academic credit:

Students can earn academic credit but it is not required. (Non Co-op and Co-op students will be considered.) Contact if you have questions about earning academic credit for your internship.

Expectations of recipients:

  • Employer or manager will need to fill out a Midterm Review of your performance in order to confirm payment.
  • Students must complete the internship in order to receive the funds.

  • Students may be asked to serve on internship panels that the CHSS Career Services sponsors in the future.
  • Students will be asked to complete a survey rating their overall experience.

What is the scholarship amount?


Can I intern abroad?

  • An international internship must be coordinated through a Montclair State study abroad program, or you must be getting academic credit through a Montclair State internship course.
  • Awards for internships as part of Montclair State Study Abroad programs vary according to which program you choose.
  • Students working in summer internships abroad are encouraged to apply, however they must meet the same requirements in order to qualify.
  • Programs that require you to transfer your credits back to Montclair State are not eligible.

What is the selection process?

  • The application is selective, and applicants are not guaranteed a grant on the basis of applying.
  • Our selection committee consists of the CHSS Student Services staff.
  • Multiple criteria, including GPA, financial need, quality and thoughtfulness of application answers, and faculty/staff recommendation are considered.
  • Financial need is considered, but not required.

How will I receive the money?

You will be paid in a one time stipend after confirmation of the Midterm review. More information regarding payment will be sent out to recipients.

What is the Decision Timeline?

  • Deadline: May 1st, 2024
  • Applicants will be notified by May 17th, 2024

For questions about CHSS Unpaid Internship Scholarships please contact