Italiani che lasciano l’Italia/Italians Leaving Italy: A Book Presentation (Feb. 23, 2021)
Posted in: Inserra Chair Events, Italian News and Events, World Languages and Cultures

Italy is a country with one of the largest historical diasporas. In the past forty years, it has turned into a country of immigration, while continuing to be a point of departure. As of the 2010s, the numbers of Italians emigrating abroad has visibly grown in size. What are the characteristics of this new phenomenon? How does it differ from the past? What does it tell us about neo-liberal capitalism as well as local and globalizing social mechanisms affecting the needs and desires of people who look for opportunities some place else?
These themes are discussed in the volume Italiani che lasciano l’Italia (Italians Leaving Italy), which, through a series of empirical researches carried out in various countries of Europe and North America, gives an account of the expectations and successes as well as difficulties and failures of new Italian emigrants. Interestingly, it addresses both the phenomenon of emigration that produces integration into a skilled labor market and of emigration that ends up generating low-skilled and, in some cases, even under-paid workers.
The book was presented by the co-editors Marco Alberio (University of Bologna/Université du Québec à Rimouski) and Fabio Berti (Università di of Siena), the respondents Teresa Fiore (Montclair State University) and Monica Miscali (Norwegian University of Science and Technology), and the moderator Guido Bonsaver (University of Oxford) on Feb. 23, 2021. For more information, see flyer below and the webpage. The recording of the event is now available in Italian on YT and in this post: