Image of the Manhattan skyline taken from the Montclair State campus.

Cultural Activities in NY/NJ

Postcard of George Washington Bridge

The Inserra Chair is pleased to share a list of a select number of relevant cultural programs off campus in the vibrant Italian region encompassing NJ and NY. Such programs include film festivals, theatre festivals, art exhibits, etc. These activities are listed here to inform our students about activities related to Italian arts and culture in our area. They are not organized by the Inserra Chair.

In sharing information about these events, the Inserra Chair’s goal is to encourage students of Italian to take advantage of and enjoy the unique resources of a city like New York which is one of the most Italian cities outside of Italy.

NYC can be easily reached via direct bus (Decamp 66) or train (NJ Transit) from campus. Click for specific directions by bus and by train.

Annual Programs

See also PAC in Newark, NJ for Italian operas occasionally included in their calendar

Spring/Summer 2017



Don Giovanni by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (Metropolitan Opera, NY, through May 11)


Design Within Reach (Paramus, NJ, look for events about Italian Design)

List of centers and institutes who offer a regular calendar of Italian programs:

For a full and detailed calendar of Italian events in New York, see online magazines i-Italy and La Voce di New York

For information please contact: