The Macaluso Sisters: Online Conversation with Director Emma Dante (Nov. 14, 2021) and Film Screening (Nov. 6-15, 2021)
Posted in: Inserra Chair Events, Italian News and Events, World Languages and Cultures

On Nov. 14, 2021 at 2pm EST, the Inserra Chair in Italian and Italian American Studies presented a virtual conversation with acclaimed director Emma Dante about her recent award-winning film The Macaluso Sisters (2020), which was screened on an online platform via the Accademia del Cinema Italiano Premi David di Donatello (Nov. 6-15, 2021). The Nov. 14 conversation included Marica Stocchi, co-producer of the film, and Massimo Mascolo from the Accademia del Cinema to address issues of creativity across media (theater, film, opera) and the role of women in Italian and international cinema today. The conversation was moderated by Teresa Fiore (Inserra Chair, Italian Program, WLC).

Adapted from her prize-winning stage play of the same name, which premiered in the U.S. as part of Peaks Performances at Montclair State University, Emma Dante’s moving, decades-traversing drama The Macaluso Sisters follows a family of five orphaned sisters living in Palermo who grapple with a tragic loss in the family. The film opened at the 2020 Venice International Film Festival where it won the Pasinetti Awards (given by the National Union of Italian Journalists) for Best Film and Best Actress (awarded to the ensemble cast playing the sisters).

Presented in partnership with the Accademia del Cinema Italiano Premi David di Donatello (the Italian equivalent of the Oscar Awards) and in collaboration with the Italian Program (Dept. of World Languages and Cultures).