The Spanish Mission Revival Architecture of Montclair State University (March 4, 2024)
Posted in: CHSS News, Inserra Chair Events, Italian News and Events

The Spanish Mission Revival Architecture of Montclair State University: A Student’s Video Production
Mon March 4, 2024 6pm
SCM 0001 (School of Communication and Media Screening Room 0001)
An obvious question for a first-time visitor at Montclair State University is: What does the Spanish Mission Revival architectural style have to do with a New Jersey campus? This student project addresses this question through a video that, in combining research and creative editing, briefly explores the historical evolution of our campus architecture and its uncanny resonance with the university’s current designation as a Hispanic Serving Institution. In following a trajectory of imperial conquest, invisibility of indigenous cultures, modernist revivals, and transnational mobility, the video shows how the buildings surrounding us as we stroll around campus, and those in which we work and learn, tell a story with multiple past and present reverberations.
Join us for a screening and discussion of the video with the people involved in its production. For more info and to make a reservation, click here.
Mar Arroyo Cabrera (Communication major, French minor) – Director
Isaak J. Liptzin (cinematographer and producer of Awen Films) – Technical supervisor
Frank Godlewski (architect) – Interviewee
Moderated by:
Teresa Fiore (Professor of Italian, Inserra Chair and PI of the digital archive Memoria Presente: The Common Spanish Legacy in Italian and Latin American Cultures) – Mentor
Katia Paz Goldfarb (Associate Provost for Hispanic Initiatives and International Programs) – Coordinator of the 2023 Undergraduate Research Program
Organized and sponsored by the Inserra Endowed Chair in Italian and Italian American Studies in collaboration with the Italian Program (WLC Dept.), the Office for Hispanic Initiatives and the Alumni Office at Montclair State University.