Dr. Fiore Publishes and Presents an Essay about Dawit L. Petros’ Exhibit “Prospetto a mare” in Chicago
Posted in: Endowed Chair's Research, Inserra Chair News and Announcements, Italian News and Events, World Languages and Cultures

On Nov. 1, 2024, Dr. Teresa Fiore (Inserra Endowed Chair in Italian and Italian American Studies) presented “Discovery, Display, and Destruction in Petros’ Re-reading of the Fascist Flight,” a paper just published in an art catalog devoted to “Prospetto a mare,” Dawit L. Petros’ latest exhibit. The catalog, beautifully designed and printed by the Italian art publisher Mousse, includes essays and interviews related to the exhibit, on view at the Museum of Contemporary Photography in Chicago through Dec. 20.
The Mousse catalog features scholars from a wide array of disciplines who share their reading of Eritrean-born artist Dawit L. Petros’ ever-expanding critical investigation of the entanglements of Italian colonialism, emigration, and nation-building processes. The contributors include cultural experts on colonialism and racism Cristina Lombardi Diop and Angelica Pesarini, art historians Onur Öztürk and Lindsay Caplan, and scholars of the Eritrean diaspora Ruth Iyob and the Italian diaspora Teresa Fiore, along with the exhibit’s curator, Karen Irvine.
“I see in this ongoing dialogue with Dawit L. Petros an opportunity to hone my interdisciplinary methodology, further nurture my passion for artwork, and expand my research agenda on Italian colonialism and diaspora, along with post-colonial immigration to Italy” – Dr. Fiore commented. “These stimulating discussions push us to address issues of institutional racism, state aggression, and social exclusion beyond conventional discourses about diversity and inclusivity. Interdisciplinary lenses allow us to engage history in a more layered manner, confront it with all its contradictions, and ask more questions rather than resorting to quick slogans. I look forward to more opportunities such as this one, including by bringing Dawit L. Petros closer to Italian Studies, a field that in the U.S. is very much interested in issues of colonialism, post-colonialism, and racism to respond to current, and renewed, challenges in our global world.”
Dr. Fiore engages in a public conversation with the artist at Magazzino Italian Art, Cold Spring, NY in 2023.
Dr. Fiore publishes essay in the Spazio Disponibile catalog
Short link: https://tinyurl.com/FiorePetrosProspetto