students at career fair

Branding Activities

Employers are encouraged to enhance their partnership with the College of the Arts by offering an on-campus presentation.  This can include:

  • Class Presentations – Speak to our classes regarding what your organization does, available career opportunities, what it takes to succeed at your company and in the job search
  • Company Information Sessions – A more formal event requiring students to RSVP that can host several representatives from your organization. It’s an opportunity for a company to reserve space on campus and speak to what their organization does; types of candidates they look for; employment opportunities they may have available; and network with students, faculty and staff. We will reserve the space for you.
  • Meet & Greets – Small and informal events that allow companies to station tables on a heavily trafficked area of campus and speak with interested and curious students about what they do and positions they’re recruiting for. Great opportunity to gauge student interest and start building relationships with potential candidates.

For more information on these opportunities, contact CART Career Services by phone at 973-655-5552 or by email at