Construction Update – March 25, 2013
Posted in: CHCP Updates, Construction News

Construction is progressing at the new Combined Heating, Cooling and Power Plant (CHCP). Work is progressing on schedule for a plant start-up by the end of April. System flushing and testing is scheduled to begin on April 15.
With the final sections of distribution piping being installed in the Alumni Green and behind the Student Center, backfill and restoration operations will begin in mid-April. Also during April, piping installation will continue behind Life Hall, in the road behind Morehead Hall and along Webster Road to the back of Blanton Hall.
All excavation and piping installations are expected to be complete by the end of May.
All roadways and pedestrian routes will be clearly marked so the campus community can navigate around construction areas easily. All buildings will remain open and accessible. Please see the campus construction map for details of areas under construction and sidewalks that are open for use.
For issues regarding the excavation and construction please contact Facility Maintenance and Engineering Services:
- Online at
- Via email at
- Via phone at 973-655-5444 (Monday-Friday: 7:00 a.m. – 10:00 p.m. and Sunday 12:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.)
- Emergencies after hours or on weekends should be directed to University Police at 973-655-5222
We will continue to issue updates on construction progress.
Thank you for your continued cooperation and support with our effort to improve the University infrastructure.
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