Construction Update for July 3
Posted in: CHCP Updates, Construction News

The new Montclair District Energy System is almost fully operational. Chilled water is being supplied to a majority of the campus via the new central plant. The new gas turbine and Heat Recovery Steam Generator (HRSG) are currently in testing. It is expected that in mid-July, we will begin to supply steam to the University from the new plant. Shortly thereafter, we will begin the decommissioning process of the existing Cogeneration Plant across from the Red Hawk Deck.
Restoration work is in full swing and the efforts to transform the campus back into an inviting place for students, faculty, staff and visitors will continue for the rest of the summer. Please be patient with the dynamic construction environment that currently exists on campus.
Significant phases in the construction that are upcoming are as follows:
Restoration of the Campus
- On Friday, July 5, the area in front of Science Hall will be closed to pedestrian traffic. Pedestrians should walk east to Stone Street, or west around the Student Center to access the center of campus. Science Hall can be accessed by entering through the south end of Richardson Hall or by the pathway between the Drop-In Center and Richardson. This configuration will last three weeks while that area is restored.
- The University Promenade is also undergoing a transformation but will remain open until we begin the asphalt paving.
Piping Installation
- The piping installation is nearly complete in front of College Hall and the backfilling of trenches is underway.
- The installation of the steam and condensate to Bohn Hall is continuing, however there are no access restrictions around the area.
Please see the campus construction map for details of the areas under construction.
Thank you for your continued cooperation and support.
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