Fire Safety Advisory: “Fire Challenge” Banned on Campus
Posted in: Advisory, Facilities Updates, Fire Safety Updates

The Montclair State University Office of Fire Safety has recently been advised that a hazardous social media trend, “The Fire Challenge,” has recently regained popularity, prompting concern in regard to the safety and well-being of the campus community.
The Office of Fire Safety strongly advises everyone within the Montclair State community to NEVER participate in the Fire Challenge. It is extremely dangerous and can be fatal.
The Fire Challenge is an activity in which flammable liquids are applied to the body and then set aflame, while a video is recorded as proof of the participant’s attempt. Those participating in this activity may experience immediate second-degree burns and, in severe instances, third-degree burns resulting in permanent nerve damage and death.
On August 20, 2018, a 12-year-old girl from Michigan received second-degree burns covering 49 percent of her body in the Fire Challenge, which placed her in an intensive burn unit.
To ensure the safety of all who live and work on our campus, such activities in all academic, administrative, recreational, and residential buildings are strictly prohibited.
Please contact the Office of Fire Safety at 973-655-5401 for more information.