Adjunct Essentials

Welcome to (or welcome back to) Montclair State University! The Office for Faculty Excellence is excited to work with you and provide opportunities for teaching and professional development. We invite you to take advantage of our programs, workshops, consultation services, and discussion groups–many of which can be accessed remotely, in recognition that adjunct faculty’s time on campus is often limited.

Adjunct Orientation

All new adjunct instructors are required to attend a 75-minute online orientation provided by OFE in collaboration with the Montclair Adjunct Union. The orientation covers the essential details of working and teaching at Montclair, and connects new adjuncts with a faculty developer in OFE and to other new adjunct instructors. Bring your questions! As of February 13, 2025, orientation sessions for new adjunct faculty teaching in the spring 2025 term have concluded. Please email to learn how to fulfill the orientation obligation if you were unable to attend a live session.

Your attendance at an OFE orientation will fulfill this task required of new adjunct faculty.

Practical details

Adjunct faculty often work at several institutions or come from the professional world, and need to know basic things about Montclair, from where to park and get an ID card, to University policies and the academic calendar. To help you find what you need fast, OFE has compiled essential Practical Information. If you are new to teaching at Montclair, please visit our New Instructor Info page.

This resource is part of OFE’s 360 Degree Support for Adjuncts initiative which seeks to connect adjuncts with the information and support you need, helping you to feel like the essential members of the Montclair State University community that you are.

OFE’s Adjunct Support

Our staff features faculty developers who work or have worked as adjunct faculty and understand the adjunct experience.

Adjunct Liaison: Courtney Crimmins is an adjunct who also works as a faculty developer in OFE. As OFE’s Adjunct Liaison, Courtney serves as a special point of contact in the office for adjunct faculty. She sends bi-weekly “OFE Adjunct Check-In” newsletters with timely information about upcoming events and resources tailored to adjunct faculty on campus, and hosts the weekly “Just for Adjuncts” series. Courtney also offers individual consultations to adjunct faculty.

“Just for Adjuncts” series: We are here to support adjunct faculty as you navigate the joys and challenges of teaching. During the fall and spring semesters, we offer weekly rotating drop-in and thematic sessions designed for adjuncts who wish to join an informal conversation about teaching, to ask a quick question, or have a more in-depth conversation on a particular aspect of teaching, while also connecting with other adjuncts on campus. Check our schedule weekly and join us!

Montclair Teaching course: OFE offers a moderated asynchronous, at-your-own-pace mini-course, Montclair Teaching, that introduces instructors to the University and reviews supportive pedagogies, syllabus and assignment design, and lesson planning. Both new and returning instructors may find it useful. Interested? Self-enroll here.

One-on-one consultations: Talking through a teaching issue, brainstorming assignments, or getting another pair of ears can be helpful. Our faculty developers are available to meet with you–consultations are no-judgment and confidential. Sign up here.

Assignment and syllabus review service. A faculty developer will review your assignment and/or syllabus, and offer confidential feedback. Sometimes another set of eyes can help make syllabi and assignments clearer and more effective. Find out more about our review service.

Adjunct FAQs

You will find much of the information you need in our Practical Information and Teaching FAQs sections. Here is some additional information of interest to adjunct faculty:

Do I need to have office or student hours?

Yes. The recently-ratified 2023-2027 Adjunct contract requires adjunct instructors to offer limited weekly office hours to students.

Specifically, Article XII. section E states “Limited weekly office hour requirement to 1 hour per week for one (1) course per semester. If teaching more than one (1) course per semester, only an additional thirty (30) minutes of office hours required per additional course. All office hours are to be scheduled by the adjunct faculty member rather than by management, so the employee has some discretion as to when and how the hour will be allocated (keeping students’ needs in mind).” Please see page 2 of this agreement here (opens as PDF).

What office space is available for adjunct faculty to work or to meet with students?

First, check with your department to see if it has space allotted for adjunct faculty. If not, each college has adjunct space. We’ve compiled a partial list here, current as of September 2024*:

  • CART
    • Theatre and Dance: Life 1303 and 1305 are accessible with ID and each has a phone, small printer, and storage space. Adjuncts are also able to connect via ID to the THDN copier with printing and scanning capabilities in copy room LIFE 0333. Mailboxes and supplies are available in the main office LIFE 0335.
    • SCM: Morehead Hall Room 205; 8 desks, 2 PCs, and a scanner. Adjuncts will also be able to connect to the SCM network printers on the first floor. All adjuncts will be given swipe access (with their ID).
    • CALI: Chapin 321, extension 3401. Access to a computer and phone; limited storage; access is granted via University ID.
  • CHSS:
    • Schmitt 230 (12-14 seat workspace with computers, printing and copying, as well as mailboxes; one set of small lockers that can be used if the person wishes to bring a lock).
    • Dickson 281 (10- unit adjunct suite with 10 semi-private workspaces with doors. There are computers at least 8 of the stations, as well as a printer. There is no secure private storage)
    • Dickson 129 — a faculty resource room (both full-time faculty and adjuncts) with 3-4 workstations with computers, two copy machines, mailboxes and a printer. No private storage.
  • CEEL and CCHL: University Hall, 2nd floor adjunct lounge, UN2149  (printer, phone, and storage); access via swipe
  • CSAM:
    •  Earth and Environmental Studies: CELS 232 (2 desktop PCs, 6 desk spaces with file cabinets and 1 phone; access via swipe with ID card
    • School of Computing: CCIS 239
  • SBUS
    • Accounting/Finance: SBUS 386
    • Economics and Hospitality: SBUS 522 (dedicated computer access for adjuncts). Copier with printing and scanning capabilities in copy/mail room: SBUS 520.
    • Information Management/ Business Analytics: SBUS 408
    • Management: SBUS 438
    • Marketing: SBUS 588 (2 desktops and one external monitor); SBUS 506 (printer/copier room): ID swipe access for both rooms.
  • NURS
    • School of Nursing: NURS 358 (desk, with seating for student meetings). Small conference room NURS 362 available by reservation. Both require swipe access from administrative support staff. Copier and printer available. Refrigerator and microwave in NURS 341.

If none of these spaces work or are available, consider reserving space in Sprague Library.

(*Please let us know of any changes.)

Where can I park?

Visit Parking Services to obtain an annual permit which is good from September 1- August 31. Select the “Full-Time Faculty/Staff Permit.” It is available to full-time faculty, full-time staff, and adjunct faculty. This permit allows parking in the following areas:

  • Faculty/Staff Restricted Lots (Orange) with no time restrictions.
  • Commuter Surface Lots (Yellow), excluding CarParc Diem, with no time restrictions.

See the campus map for location information.

How do I get my faculty ID card?

If you teach on Montclair’s main campus, you can apply for your ID card two days after your CWID number has been issued. Upload a photo of yourself according to the directions on the Faculty, Staff and Affiliate ID Cards webpage and then visit the ID office in the Student Center during its business hours.

For Bloomfield College IDs, visit the BCPass desk (ID Center) at 185 Liberty Street in Bloomfield during business hours.

Can I get a professional headshot taken on campus?

Yes! Make an appointment on the Faculty and Staff Headshots webpage.

Do I need to bring my laptop to campus?

If you’d like to connect to classroom A/V equipment, you will likely need to bring your own laptop, or borrow one from IT. Most classrooms do not have computers at the podium.

Do I need to bring chalk and/or whiteboard markers to class?

If you plan to use these, it’s a good idea to bring your own.

When will I get paid for teaching at Montclair?

See payroll schedules; click “Adjunct payroll calendar.”

What union represents adjunct faculty at Montclair?

AFT Local 6025. Visit their website for more information.

What is the current union contract? What is the salary for adjuncts?

The Memorandum of Agreement for the 2023-2027 contract can be found on the Council of New Jersey State College Locals website.

2023-2027 Adjunct Faculty Salary Table. Also found in the MOA.

What benefits are adjunct faculty members eligible to receive or buy into?

Check out these links, and contact HR with any questions.

What trainings am I required to complete, and will I be paid for them?

All newly-hired adjuncts must complete the Adjunct Orientation offered by OFE in collaboration with the Montclair Adjunct Union. Please register above or contact with questions about this on-boarding requirement.


According to Human Resources, these are the required trainings for adjuncts:

You will receive notification through Workday for the following:

  • Annual College & University Disclosure
  • Uniform Ethics Code
  • Plain Language Ethics Guide
  • Supervisory Conflict of Interest
  • Outside Activity/Employment


You will receive email notification for the following:

  • FERPA training
  • Building Supportive Communities: Clery Act and Title IX
  • Cybersecurity training (launched annually during the first semester in which they are actively teaching)

With respect to compensation, here is the key language from the current contract:

All training that is mandated for College/University employees by federal or state law and training that relates to the work for which adjunct faculty are hired and that is mandated by the policies of the College/University shall be required for adjunct faculty as a condition of their employment within their regular compensation as set forth in Article XIV.A. Such specific training obligations shall be set forth in the adjunct faculty employment contract and shall not exceed four hours in any term. Should the College/University require training in excess of that amount, it will, following completion of said training, compensate adjunct faculty at a rate of $25 per hour. In the event an existing locally negotiated agreement provides adjunct faculty compensation for such training that is greater than $25 per hour or the parties mutually agree.

How can I feel more connected with the University as an adjunct?

Whether you’re new to Montclair State University or a veteran instructor here, it can be challenging to connect with other faculty members when you are on campus part time.

Get to know fellow colleagues through OFE drop-in sessions and workshops dedicated to adjunct faculty, as well as ones meant for instructors of all ranks. Register for a confidential one-on-one consultation meeting with an OFE staff member to ask questions big and small you may have about teaching or working on campus.

Take advantage of campus offerings! Follow University Communications and Marketing’s In the Know newsletter and “ITK: The Weekly Events Digest for Faculty and Staff” in your Montclair email inbox to learn about upcoming events and timely resources for faculty. On-campus events such as lectures, concerts, and performances are also posted in the University Calendar.

Introduce yourself to the wider campus community by completing your Faculty Profile Page.

Have we missed something important to you? Are there additional resources you’d like to see on this page? Please let us know!

Last Modified: Thursday, February 13, 2025 10:26 am