Book Presentation – Pre-Occupied Spaces by Teresa Fiore (12/11)
Posted in: Endowed Chair's Research, Inserra Chair Events

The Departments of Sociology, History, Political Science and Law, and Modern Languages and Literatures in the College of Humanities and Social Sciences at Montclair State University are pleased to present a conversation about Pre-Occupied Spaces: Remapping Italy’s Transnational Migrations and Colonial Legacies, a new book by Dr. Teresa Fiore (Inserra Chair in Italian and Italian American Studies at Montclair State University), published by Fordham University Press in May 2017.
By linking Italy’s long history of emigration to all continents in the world, contemporary transnational migrations directed toward it, as well as the country’s colonial legacies, Fiore’s book poses Italy as a unique laboratory to rethink national belonging at large in our era of massive demographic mobility. Showing how immigration in Italy today is preoccupied by its past emigration and colonialism, and how the commonalities between the two phenomena can potentially dispel preoccupations, the book offers interpretative routes about demographic and cultural movements that can be relevant to Europe at large as well as the U.S.
This panel will include a presentation by the author Teresa Fiore in discussion with Montclair State colleagues Nancy Carnevale from the History Department (co-editor of Fordham UP Critical Studies in Italian America), Stephen Ruszczyk from the Sociology Department and Tony Spanakos, Chair of Political Science and Law Department.
Monday, December 11, 2017 – 6:30-8:30pm
More info on the event
RSVP required here by Fri. Dec. 8