swirly suns on blue background

FAQ page about Summer Course for HS students (Intensive Italian)

This page contains the questions that are often asked about the Summer Course for HS students at Montclair State University. If you have any further inquiry, please contact Teresa Fiore at fiorete@montclair.edu

1. How can students reach campus if they cannot get there by car?

The Montclair State campus is very well served by public transportation on weekdays. Students can take NJT buses or trains. The recommended train station for this class is Montclair Heights Station (the Montclair State U station is ideal to reach the dorms instead). Please download the NJTransit app or go to the NJT site and use their Trip planner tool to find the best option for your ride by train or bus. The site provides information about costs as well. See also information on how to reach Schmitt Hall.  (Note that the specific classroom appears on the syllabus – please inquire with the coordinator). See campus map to locate the train station, bus stop, and Schmitt Hall.

2. What is the parking situation for students who drive to campus?

Parking is free. Please send an email to Steve Jacobs at jacobss@montclair.edu with the info listed below:

Last Name, First Name, Email, Phone, Make (of vehicle), Model (of vehicle), Color (of vehicle), License Plate, State (of license plate), Date Starts (July 7, 2024), Date Ends (July 18, 2024).

Students can park in the Car Parc Diem and commuter surface lots. Please see THIS MAP to identify these areas.

3. How does the residential option work?

Students can live in a dormitory on campus with a meal plan from Sunday evening to Thursday afternoons for the duration of the course. Students will be housed a dormitory in double rooms with access to all campus dining facilities which are open in the summer. There will be an Italian-speaking adult RA/Activity Leader living in the dorm with students who will lead afternoon activities.

4. Are the three course credits accepted at other colleges if I am not admitted to Montclair State University or decide not to attend?

Each individual college decides whether external credits will be accepted: we cannot guarantee that students will earn these credits if they attend a college other than Montclair State. However, our students have had success transferring summer course credits to other universities (the University of Maryland, for example).

5. Is lunch provided for students during the course?

Lunches are included for residential students, and/or covered by a scholarship for students who requested and were granted funded. Food for the two trips off campus is included.   

6.  Aside from lunch, are there any other extra costs outside of tuition (and room and board for residential students)?

There is no extra-cost but students are expected to bring a phone and a computer to class but for the trips off campus the phone is enough (no reason to carry a laptop all day). Important: Students may be asked to pay for the subway costs to make the access to the trains faster.

6.  Aside from lunch, are there any other extra costs outside of tuition (and room and board for residential students)?

Also, given the high temperatures in summer we recommend having a water bottle, a hat, sun lotion and, optionally, a fan (manual or battery-fed) or umbrella.