Two students walking

Non-Default Workstation Request Process

Process for Requesting Non-Default Workstation Equipment- Apple, Advanced Lenovos and/or Desktops

After following the replacement process when your existing workstation is expiring, a client may request non-default workstation equipment with an appropriate business justification via an email sent to either the Academic Technology Director/Coordinator of the College/School (for Academic Affairs) or the Vice President (for Administrative Areas). The email must include the following:

  • Name of Employee
  • Title of Employee
  • Start Date (for new staff)
  • Model Requested – Approved Options
  • Justification
    • The justification must document your specific business needs of why this particular equipment is necessary.

The Academic Technology Director/Coordinator or Vice President will review the justification for consistency with IT guidelines; an incident will be created in ServiceNow to track the request; Requests that do not comply with Information Technology guidelines will be recommended for standard Lenovo laptop or desktop.

The AVP of Technical Support Services will review the request and refer any questions to the requesting employee and the approving VP. After all required approvals are received:

  • If items are available, a device will be deployed within 5 business days from the time of approval; or
  • If items need to be ordered, device deployment may require more time depending on ordering and purchase processes.