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News and Events

New and Improved Security and Remote Access

Posted in: News

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Security and remote access are being made easier in two ways with Cisco Virtual Private Networking (VPN) and DUO Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA).

First, VPN is being expanded as an improved alternative to Citrix for those faculty and staff who need to access items such as shared drives remotely.  Those groups that have been identified to benefit most need these improvements have been prioritized over the coming months. If you have a remote access need where VPN may be of benefit, please open a ticket with the IT service desk by sending an email to itservicedesk@montclair.edu.

In addition, DUO Multi Factor Authentication (MFA) is being expanded to enhance secure access to applications by adding a second factor of authentication to further protect user login credentials. The roll-out of DUO will continue with Workday and VPN access over this Summer and Fall, and more applications will be added as part of a phased roll-out over the coming months and quarters.