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(IT Security Tips) Wanted: Frankenphisher (National Cyber Security Awareness Month)

Posted in: Information Security

picture with Frankenstein's monster

Frankenphisher is stitched together from all the most dangerous pieces of phishing emails; compromised links, malicious attachments, you name it! Before he gets a chance to bust down the door of our networks, make sure you know what makes a phishy email phishy.

Targets: Users that don’t check links using the “hover over” technique, are not cyber security aware (haven’t completed the free training the University offers!), let their cyber awareness guard down, etc.

Monster’s Weaknesses: Critical thinking, patient link clickers, fire

Bonus tip: Always use the “hover over” technique to check web links before clicking! To learn how, go to: www.montclair.edu/information-technology/security/security-tips/#hover-over