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Wanted: Ransomwolf (National Cyber Security Awareness Month)

Posted in: Information Security

Description: Lurking in that innocent looking file attachment you just downloaded, Ransomwolf is ready to gobble up all your important information, bounding from folder to folder and encrypting files as he goes. Unlike other werewolves, Ransomwolf is invulnerable to “silver bullets.” Take extra caution with file attachments (don’t open anything you are not expecting), be vigilant to potential phishing emails, and make regular backups of important files. (Be sure any backup media is properly protected and stored in a secure place too.)

Targets: Users that are not cyber security aware, devices with outdated virus & malware protection, distracted users

Monster’s Weaknesses: Well-informed and aware users, regular file backups, dog biscuits

Bonus tip: Always use the “hover over” technique to check web links before clicking! To learn how, go to: www.montclair.edu/information-technology/security/security-tips/#hover-over