Driving and Walking Safely On and Off Campus
University Police Department Tips for Smooth (and Safe!) Travels.
Posted in: Announcements, Featured News, Parking and Shuttle, Safety

The University Police Department is excited to begin a new semester at Montclair State University. As many of you know parking and traffic can be a real challenge here as it is at so many colleges and universities. The 2024 winter season is presenting challenges already as community members traverse the snow and ice on campus and on roadways to get to campus. As is the norm when we begin a semester, we anticipate a few weeks of delays and encourage all of us to be cognizant that we are facing similar challenges. There will always be peak challenges but consistent traffic tends to be alleviated. University Police Officers are constantly addressing traffic and our partners in Parking Services work diligently to find solutions for problems.
The continuing work at the Route 46/Route 3/Valley Road juncture has come to a conclusion but is a challenge as many have pointed out with traffic light timing and new roundabouts.
Our goal is to make every person here have a safe experience in transit so please keep in mind a few things:
Do the Speed Limit or Get a Ticket!
- The speed limit on all University and adjacent roads is 25 miles per hour (m.p.h.) with the exception of College Avenue which is 15 m.p.h. We recognize many of you are stuck in traffic and this may not apply at times – but when it does…give a brake!!! (View Campus Map)
- The speed limit in parking lots and parking decks is 5 m.p.h. Speed is strictly enforced by radar and you may receive traffic summonses for speeding, unregistered vehicles, uninsured vehicles and equipment violations as well as any other violations of the State of NJ Title 39. These are uniform traffic summonses separate from Parking Services and will be determined by a municipal court as to fines or suspensions.
Slow Down & Watch Out for Fellow Red Hawks!
- Slow down, get off your phone and keep your eyes on the road.
- Be extremely careful as you approach marked crosswalks and ensure persons have crossed entirely. The driver of a vehicle is held accountable for striking a pedestrian and if you should leave the scene after knowingly striking a pedestrian you may face license suspension and significant fines. Snow and ice conditions can make roadways surfaces covered so be sure you recognize areas of high pedestrian volume.
- Pedestrians need to be just as aware of conditions as drivers – cross at crosswalks, do not use a cell phone while crossing and know that crossing in other areas increases risks.
- Drivers must stop for pedestrians at marked crosswalks until the person has fully crossed. Awareness will save you from an accident or striking a pedestrian.
Campus Drop-Off Zones
- We recognize many have to drop off students or staff – to keep traffic moving be sure the person being dropped off is in the passenger seat and that you have items you need with you rather than the trunk if possible.
- College Ave roadway, NJ Transit Bus stops, Lot 31 (School of Business) are not areas of unloading or waiting.
- When you pull over in an active roadway to drop off a passenger you are creating traffic, you are endangering your safety in the vehicle and that of the passenger being dropped. Pull into an adjacent parking lot or designated drop off areas along College Avenue that have curbing designed to pull in off the roadway.
- If you are blocking a lane of traffic to either pick up or drop off a passenger, expect to be moved along by police as you can create a serious traffic hazard in areas like Cole Hall, Panzer Athletic Center, Red Hawk Deck, the Student Center and the Bohn/Blanton Halls quad area.
“Authorized Vehicles Only”
- Authorized vehicles only are permitted in certain areas including most areas where academic and residential buildings are located. Please be aware of signs in the area and under no circumstances are any students, staff or faculty given permission to “allow” for driving in these areas.
- There is an “Authorized Vehicle” and Shuttle Only gate just past Lot 31/School of Business – this is not a pick up area or an area where turnarounds should be frequent. Similarly College Ave/Carlisle turns should be largely for access to the Red Hawk Deck – the frequency of turnarounds here causes further traffic delays. Signage is appropriate here for Red Hawk Deck patrons.
- Persons wishing to drive in “Authorized Vehicles Only” areas must seek a permit from Transportation and Parking Services located in the Red Hawk Parking Deck lower level office.
- Jeopardizing the safety of our community in these areas may result in a tow, a police motor vehicle summons, referral to Student Conduct or Employee Relations and any fines associated with damage resulting in driving in these areas.
Safe Passing Law
- In March of 2022, the NJ Legislature passed a new called the Safe Passing Law which is applicable both on and off our campus as you travel in the State. It is one of the most comprehensive in the country and aims to prevent near misses, injuries and deaths that are all too frequent in New Jersey.
- In addition to other areas of the State and following all other speed and passing laws, Montclair State University Police Officers will enforce the law that establishes that drivers must move over a lane to pass if available, that drivers must allow a 4-foot distance when passing and if four (4) feet is not available, the driver must slow to 25 miles an hour (on campus the fastest one should be going) to pass. Penalties range from $100-$500 and two (2) points on a driving record.
Safety Is the #1 Goal!
It is our goal that every person feels and remains safe here at Montclair State University and that every person is treated with the dignity and respect they so very much deserve from all facets of the University including Police – that starts with recognizing we all play a part in our safety.
Questions? Concerns?
If you have concerns about traffic, traffic violations or officer actions feel free to contact us at msupolice@montclair.edu or contact Chief Kieran Barrett at barrettk@montclair.edu.
For on campus emergencies contact us at 973-655-5222 and if you should dial 911, it will be routed to us as well.
Chief Kieran Barrett
University Police Department