Checking Print Account

When using a Public/Teaching Lab computer on campus, you can view your current printing balance at a glance on the PaperCut print gadget which appears on the desktop screen upon login.

Your printing allowance starts at $40.00 and will decrease, or “count down”, with each page printed. If you click on “Details” link on the gadget you will be taken to a print account logon page.

There you can check how many pages you have printed this semester and your total number of print jobs at the public site printers. You can also examine the environmental impact of your printing habits.

Interpreting Your Account Summary

After logging into your account, you can quickly see how many pages you have printed as well as the remaining balance left on your balance.

Look for the “Summary” table at the top of the main page in PaperCut. The dollar amount listed behind Balance will decrease (from a starting amount of $40.00) until it reaches $0.00.

Graph of balance history