Information Technology (IT) offers centralized file storage and sharing through several services:
- MSUFiles through Microsoft Active Directory (AD) based solutions
- Google Apps
CAUTION: For the protection of personal and University data, IT strongly recommends that Faculty and Staff utilize a University issued desktop or laptop ONLY to access MSUFILES remotely over WEBDAV. In general, you should avoid using your NetID credentials to login to any Montclair State services from publicly accessible (local library, internet cafe, etc.) or personal computers OR unsecured wired/wireless networks that could already have compromised security without you knowing it.
A secure file sharing service for individual NetID users and departments. (MSUFILES)
On-Campus Access: Provided automatically to Windows 7, Windows 10 and Mac OS 10.8 (and higher) clients bound (attached) to AD (ADMSU domain).
How to Access MSUFiles on a Joined Win 7 Machine
How to Access MSUFiles on a Joined Win 10 Machine
How to Access MSUFiles on a Joined Mac Machine
Off-Campus Access: Provided to Windows 7, Windows 10 and Mac OS 10.8 (and higher) clients via an industry standard and secured WebDAV service. WebDAV allows users to mount server shares directly, providing a similar file share experience between on campus and remote access use. Unbound AD Mac and Windows clients on campus can also utilize WebDAV.
MSUFILES presents a private (home) directory and individual web page publishing directory to all NetID users. Departmental file sharing is also available.
- Private (Home) Directory
- Provides personal file storage on the MSUFILES server to each student, faculty and staff member.
- On campus access is provided automatically to devices bound (attached) to AD (ADMSU domain) and is typically referred to as the “N: drive” (Windows) or “Facstaff_vol1” (Mac OS) (accessible from the Mac OS dock).
- Only you have access to your private (home) directory.
- As of 9/1/2013, Faculty and Staff have a default 3 GB storage quota while students have a 500 MB storage quota.
How to Access MSUFiles on Unjoined Win 7 Machine
How to Access MSUFiles on Unjoined Win 10 Machine
How to Access MSUFiles on an Unjoined Mac Machine
File Sharing
Departmental (Groupshare) Directory
Every campus department1 is provided a departmental (groupshare) directory for the purpose of file sharing. The name of the directory is based on the department’s name.
On campus access is provided automatically to Windows 7, Windows 10 and Mac OS 10.8 (or higher) clients bound (attached) to AD (ADMSU domain) and is typically referred to as the “O: drive” (Windows) or “groupshare_vol1” (Macs). By default, all members of a department have read/write access to a directory called “Common” at the root (or “top”) of the department’s directory. This is also referred to as “basic permissions” mode. The Common folder is required even if it is not used and cannot be renamed.
As of 9/1/2013, departmental (groupshare) directories have a default 150 GB storage quota.
- Campus departments are determined by a data file maintained and provided by Human Resources.
- Department membership is determined by a data file maintained and provided by Human Resources.
If more granular access controls (permissions) are desired, IT offers a self-service driven “advanced permissions” mode.
A department must designate one (or more) faculty or staff members to act as a share custodian. Custodians receive one-on-one training from our Technology Training and Integration (TTI) staff. This training takes approximately 1-2 hours to complete. Custodians can create and manage access rights (directory permissions) for custom directories at the root (or “top”) of the department’s directory, other than the default “Common” directory. Access rights (permissions) can be set to provide access within the department’s custom directories to any NetID user or AD group. This includes NetID users outside of the department and student employees, for example. This allows for cross-departmental file sharing and other special needs.
Please Note: It is the sole responsibility of the custodian to ensure that proper access rights (permissions) are assigned to all departmental directories. IT does not audit or manage these custom permissions.
For Custodians: How to add or modify users
MSUFiles Fileshare Custodians
The University has a contractual agreement with Google, Inc. for its Google Apps for Education suite of products, including Google Calendar and Google Drive (formerly Google Docs). As such, the Google Drive service is now available to all faculty, staff, and librarians to provide additional file sharing and document collaboration capabilities.